some stirrings of concern have reached our ears. 'what about OTHER things with wings?'
we are not out to disenfranchise any species, and we do have a place in our hearts (and society) for things that have wings that are not birds.
to this end, please read and savour the facts below about KITTI'S HOGNOSED BAT
also known as the bumblebee bat, this little feller measures only about 3cm across. this makes it, not only the world's smallest bat, but one of the smallest mammals in general (with and without wings). it has a little piggy nose and is reddish brown in colour.
it lives in burma and it is extremely rare. this is probably to do with the fact that females only give birth to one baby bat per year. also that they are so small, any kind of census is unreliable. but if you're interested in having a go, why not follow the tips outlined here: http://www.edgeofexistence.org/edgeblog/?p=468
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