(Eurasian variety)
Not to be confused with the pigeon, the wigeon is a river bird belonging to Family ANATIDAE, which means 'Geese, Swans and Ducks'. The male is a bird of many colours: he has a yellow forehead, an orange-chestnut head, neck and breast, a grey back and flanks, white underparts and a large white patch on the wing. The female is less fortunate, being brown and mottled. Like last week's bird (the brambling - please see below to have your memory refreshed), wigeons are at their best in winter, when they can be seen throughout the British Isles. In fact, our male wigeon is a rather sorry sight in summer - in common with many other drakes, this is his "eclipse" period when most of the smart characteristics of his plumage are lost.
If you take a walk by the river and listen carefully you may hear the drake's pleasing whistle ("Whee-oo!") or the duck's purring growl.
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