Saturday 10 October 2009


Things with Wings is currently running The Alternative Grouse Season, handily timed to coincide with the actual grouse season (12th August-10th December). This is because we prefer our grouse alive and well rather than dead and shot.

What The Alternative Grouse Season (A.G.S.) means is that all term the grouse will be King Bird. What 'King Bird' means is as yet unclear. If we find out, we will let you know. If you find out first, you let us know. It's a deal.

What we DO know is that T.W.W. will be making an extra special effort to champion the grouse in all his (living) forms. Soon we will have a grouse poster campaign and we might also do some grouse modelling, painting and drawing (details to follow - we hope you will join in). At least one T.W.W. member is very keen to knit a grouse - if anyone knows where a grouse knitting pattern can be obtained, please get in touch. All this will of course be accompanied by Famous Grouse whiskey, the official drink of the A.G.S.

If you are particularly keen on or knowledgeable about the grouse, you can apply to be our special T.W.W.A.G.S. representative/events co-ordinator, or "grouse-master". Otherwise, you can get involved with The Alternative Grouse Season by telling us all your grouse facts and news, looking out for grouse around the house (town), spreading the grouse word and, most importantly, offering sanctuary to any grouse who comes pecking at your door. In the meantime, let's all put our shotguns away and raise a glass of Famous Grouse to the famous grouse.

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