Friday, 12 December 2008

Bird of the Holiday, Christmas '08

And what a choice there is from which to make our selection. It strikes me that Christmas is a very happy time for birdlovers, what with all the turkeys, turtledoves, calling birds, french hens, geese a-laying, swans a-swimming and red red robins bob bob bobbin' along.

But we've chosen THE PARTRIDGE for TWW's Christmas bird of 2008. Please look to your right for a hugely inaccurate depiction of a partridge entangled in a pear tree. Real partridges nest on the ground and eat seeds, not pears. They are smaller than pheasants and bigger than quails but just as edible as both.

The CHUKAR partridge, which has a fetching black and white stripy wing, is the national bird of Pakistan.

When partridges fly they make a loud whirring noise and when they squawk they go 'Cheevik!'

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